Medals Shop Rome
Via Sistina 19, Rome
At Filatelia e Numismatica Centrale Roma, you can also find medals, decorations, military and civil orders of chivalry. Adopted as a system of awards and honors by the Italian State since 1861, there have been medals for valor and merit since the world wars and even earlier. You will find from time to time listed in our catalog: commemorative medals, military medals, medals and decorations of units in war or related to military campaigns. * We deal with medals and decorations that are used or that come from purchases from private collections.
The site is constantly updated, the products listed are a small part of our shop's offer or may no longer be available. Contact us for information
Medaglia al merito di guerra
I Guerra Mondiale - Regio Esercito Italiano.
Italia 1915-1918, medaglia di Guerra per l'Unit&agrav...
per maggiori informazioni contattaci
We offer the novelty and subscription service for stamps and coins from Italy, the Vatican, San Marino and the rest of the world. We ship throughout Italy or if you prefer you can collect your items directly at the store. We evaluate and purchase stamps, ancient and modern coins, medals, Italian and world banknotes. Evaluations have a cost and can only be done by appointment. We kindly ask you to call us in order to get information regarding duration and costs of the evaluation, nevertheless we are not interested in every kind of collection. We are not interested in the old lira and euro coins even if on the internet can be found wrong informations regarding their rarity. We only consider special editions and boxes of the above mentioned lira and euro. We kindly invite you to give us a call before coming in order to avoid an empty journey.